You're Right

Thinking about implementing our 12-month, whole-company, uber-affordable Building Belonging program?

Here's why that's a SMART idea!

Because you're right about everything that's wrong.

Inaction IS a strategic decision, and silence is deadly.

  • Building Belonging shows you’re inviting active, healthy conversations to occur across the whole organization, not just in pockets or at certain levels.

People say ‘I need more training.’ but they don’t have time, it’s expensive, and what they really need is meaningful examples of what healthy behaviors look like.

  • Building Belonging is bite-sized education and information, a conversation starter, and it offers practical actions and tactics for healthy behaviors.

One-time training doesn’t stick as well as short, repetitive, interesting bursts.

  • Building Belonging delivers short, repetitive, interesting bursts.

Modeling healthy behavior isn’t always well understood by “all” of your leaders.

  • Building Belonging provides a monthly leadership video and quick reference sheet so your managers and executives have a clear, concise roadmap of essential best practices to follow - getting everyone on the same page.

Fuzzy expectations lead to fuzzy, off-key outcomes.

  • Building Belonging gives everyone a common playbook for improvement.

Unclear definitions make it easy for expectations and goals to be misaligned.

  • Building Belonging standardizes internal language and definitions in a non-alienating way, which helps to solidify understanding and self-accountability.

An unmeasured DE&I climate within the organization can lead to guess work on which areas still require improvement.

  • Building Belonging provides routine, turn-key, non-threatening climate surveys showing that you care and giving you much needed data for future training needs.

Only addressing the “offender” with DE&I expectations doesn't solve all of the retention issues.

  • Building Belonging encourages bystander interventions that are comfortable and safe to improve empathy and belonging.


We'd love to send you a sample of a module if you're interested.